Salisbury East High School has a deadline procedure in place for all Year 8, 9 and 10 students to ensure that a consistent process is followed when work is not handed up.

This procedure was created following consultation with our school leaders, teachers and students, and the document is posted in every classroom at SEHS. Parents/caregivers of a student who has initially not submitted work (after renegotiation of the due date) will be notified via text message.

The policy covers both valid (e.g. sickness, family etc.) and non-valid (e.g. part-time work, school sport etc.) reasons for why a particular piece of work has not been submitted, and can ultimately lead to a penalty being given to the student or a ‘zero’ grade.

Students studying Stage 1 or 2 subjects (mainly Year 11s and 12s) are managed by their teachers with consideration given to each particular subject’s SACE due dates.

Our deadline procedure can be viewed below.